Monday, May 16, 2005



Wow, what a difference a port makes. Had treatment today and it only lasted three hours and forty five minutes. I'm very tired. Port is still a little sore. It was quite tender when they stuck the needle in. I guess they said they have numbing creme you apply 30 minutes before they stab you. However they told me that after the fact and later I learned that that stuff is called sissy creme, so I will just tough it out. After they poke you it is painless. Met with doctor this morning. I asked about scans to check on progress and he said they are not doing them til after chemo is done. He said thay wait til after 4 cycles on everyone. My blood counts are getting low and I have to start getting booster shots to get them back up. My WBC is at 2.6 should be 4.8-10.8. Doctor said this is expected and everyone who is on ABVD gets these. They are fairly new came along around 1992. Without these shots I would not be able to continue chemo. Side effects from the shots are bone aches. My bones will be working overtime to get new blood cells made. Justin Gracy went to treatment with me today. My brother Zach, step-mom Renae and girlfriend Amy stopped by also. Thanks, I really appreciate it. I am going to rest now. KICKING CANCER'S ASS ONE DAY AT A TIME. On a message board I am a member of I talk to other people fighting Hodgkin's. They often leave short sayings at the end of their post. Several are worth mentioning. Kate said, " Cancer thanks for all you have taught me, now you can go away."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the treatment wasn't so long. I'm sure it is a relief to have the port in and make things a little easier. Your at the peak of the hill now - god willing the rest will be a little easier. Todd is home tomorrow - finally - I'm sure he'll want to come and see you if your around.

Lots of thoughts and prayers have been expressed to me for you from my friends that I have forwarded your blog to - it's amazing how people you don't even know pray for you and care about your well being.

Love always,

8:21 PM  

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